Community Chorus welcomes singers of ALL levels!
Villa Musica’s year-round Community Chorus is open to all fully-vaccinated members of the public who have a song in their hearts. The Chorus meets once a week to sing material drawn from musical genres such as classical, folk, jazz and Broadway. A portion of each meeting is spent on developing good vocal skills – including vocal production, breath support, vocal musicianship and aural harmonization skills through the learning of 2, 3 and 4 part music. A recital showcases the chorus work at the end of each semester. No audition is necessary – just come with a sense of fun and a quest for vocal discovery!
When: Mondays, 7 – 8:30pm
Who: Adults
Number of participants: min. 15
Course Fee: $95
Chorus Director: Fiona Chatwin
Co-Director/Accompanist: Mark Polesky
Interested in joining? Click Here!