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Classes for Kids

Introducing children to music at an early age is essential to the nurture and care of creating a well-rounded human. Learning a musical instrument promotes creativity, critical thinking, self-expression, and most importantly it’s FUN! Take a look below at the classes we offer at Villa Musica and sign your kid up for a mind expanding experience.

In the Fall of 2019, we restructured our Group Class Levels for guitar and violin, encouraging students to stay in each level until they have truly met the skill criteria for moving to the next level. Teaching Artists provide a curriculum and skills list at the beginning of each session (10 weeks). Moving from one level to the next is done in conference with the parents and upon successful execution of the skills required. Younger students may need to stay in the “Dolce” level for longer, older students may progress to “Brilliante” within a year.

The “Brilliante” level is a catch all level that provides a continuing education opportunity for children who are not ready to take private lessons or join an ensemble. All children entering the “Brilliante” level (whether they have studied with us before or not) must meet the “Dolce” and “Scherzo” skills requirements.

Group Classes - Early Childhood Music (ECM)